Advanced Hybrid Starseed Activation

Combining the technologies of Light Language and Akashic Records to activate your divine hybrid blueprint

Activating Your Divine Soul Templates

If you think you landed on this page purely by coincidence, no, you did not.

If nobody has ever told you yet, I’m here to tell you that you are not just any Starseed. You are a Hybrid Starseed. You have a mixture of human DNA and extraterrestrial DNA. Encoded in your DNA strands are specific galactic gifts and unique frequencies that you will bring through and anchor into Planet Earth's grids.

You are not here by coincidence. You are brought here for a very specific reason.

To remember. To activate. To step up.

  • Nat

    “My reading was a magical experience. I booked it without any expectations or idea of how it would work, but slowly turned into this beautiful feeling, and listening to exactly what I needed with love and light. I released all my doubts, I understood myself and my reality, and I felt the guidance that lacked in my life. I know the following step is now up to me, but I feel clear on how to do it. I acknowledge that the Universe is always within us, and it’s just a matter of taking action and trusting to see it and feel it clearly. I am not a native English speaker, yet I felt understood and completely supported by the Records.”

Item 1 of 9

What to expect during the session?

  • Before we begin the session, I’ll guide us through a short meditation to ground, connect, and protect our energy field.

  • We will then tap into the frequency of your Akashic Records with a short prayer

  • The first half of the session will be free channelling, a combination of light language and channelled messages in English will come through. This is last about 15-25 minutes depending on how much your guides wish to reveal to you.

  • The second half of the session will be targetted to answer the 3 questions that you will share with me pre-session.

  • Finally, some last words and closure with the closing prayer.

  • The entire session will last about 45-60 minutes.

  • Important to note: Your guides will only share information that you are ready to receive. There might be cases where the answers to your questions might not come through explicitly or clearly as it might not be the right time for you to receive the information or details. Your guides honour your sovereignty and free will. Therefore, they will only give guidance and advice. The final choice is still yours.

How to prepare for the session?

  • The frequency you bring to the session will affect the frequency of the session. Enter the reading with an open mind and heart.

  • The questions you ask and the intention you set will guide us to the information you receive in the session. Allow your intuition to guide you on the intention/questions/information you’d like to share with me before the session.

  • Last but not least, release all your prior expectations and be an open channel to receive all that is meant for you.

Your Options

Option 1: Recording (40-60 minutes)

You will receive a 40-60 minute audio recording of the transmission within 7-14 days of your booking via email. You will not be required to dial into any virtual meeting platform. This work happens in the quantum field. With the recording you will receive the full transmission at your own time and space, as many times as you need.

Option 2: Live on Zoom (60-75 minutes)

This option is a live session on Zoom. All the elements remains the same as option 1 with the added benefits of clarifying messages, sharing at the end of the session and receiving the energetic transmission live through video. If you prefer to interact live, this option is for you.

Important to note: I am based in Singapore (GMT+8). Do take this into consideration when booking in for this option. If you have any doubts, send me and email.

Option 3: 1:1 Mentorship (Customised)

This is an option to work together for a longer term. The number of sessions and frequency will be completely customised to suit your needs. Please send an email to to enquire.

I’m Ready. What’s Next?

Simply choose your option and click on the respective button below to book a session. Upon clicking the button, you will be redirected to the payment page.

Once you have made the payment, please send the following information over to

  1. Your full name

  2. Preferred name

  3. Email address

  4. What made you book this session? Tap into your guidance and share what’s intuitively coming up so I can tap into this during the session

  5. 3 questions for me to ask during your session (If you are enquiring for Option 3, you can skip this part for now.)

It is important to read the Terms and Conditions before booking. Upon payment, you agree to the Terms and Conditions and give Jamie permission to open your Akashic Records.

*If you are based in Singapore, send me a message on Instagram (@the.whitewalls) or email me at for rate and payment method in SGD.

What’s the difference between Starseeds and Hybrids?

Starseeds are souls who come from the stars. By this definition, we are technically all Starseeds because we all come from the stars. Many here now are hybrids who have genetic makeups of both a human and a star being from various star systems.

The term “Starseeds” that the spiritual community uses specifically refers to the group of people who remembers their origins, mission, and gifts. Often, a Starseed’s mission is greater than themselves and relates to the greater good of the collective, the Universes, and Galaxies. They carry specific mission codes, advanced gifts, special abilities, wisdom, and knowledge that stay dormant until needed.

We are now at a pivotal point in humanity’s evolution where we can shift the timelines and collectively ascend to a higher state of consciousness. More Starseeds are awakening to assist in this. The old templates are falling away and we are now activated to assist in the collective transition into the New Earth.

Simultaneously, new templates of divine love and light are anchoring in. Starseeds are here to play an important role in the anchoring of these new templates and assist humanity in the transition.

If you have always felt different, struggled to fit into the societal constructs, and have a yearning to fulfil a deeper and bigger purpose that most people don’t understand, you’re a Starseed waiting to awaken. The seed of light is awakening within you. This is your call. 

This offering is designed to awaken your divine starseed templates and Galactic Mission by combining the power of the Akashic Records and Light Language.

What is Light Language?

Light Language is the Language of your Soul.

Light Language is an expression of Universal Energy.

Light Language is technology. It is not meant to be understood by the mind. Rather, it is meant to be felt and experienced by the heart and soul. Sacred geometries and symbols encoded within the sound vibrations and visuals that travel through time and space and into your field; activating, healing, and awakening you on a deep soul level.

A powerful visual, auditory, and sensory experience to activate your divine, original, truest and purest templates of being. 

They might be short and sweet, but they are powerful, precise, and exactly what your soul needs.

What is the Akashic Records?

The Akashic Records is an energetic library that contains all information about the past, present, and future - all timelines and dimensions. In fact, linear time is an illusion. When we tap into the frequency of the Akashic Records, we transcend time and space.

In the Akashic Records, you may receive information from past, present, or future lifetimes on Earth or in other Planets, Universes, and Galaxies. The information you receive is divinely orchestrated by your guides and highest self to guide you in your starseed awakening.

Additionally, the Akashic Records is running on a highly advanced technology similar to that of blockchain. Access is only given when all nodes gives the approval. Some information will only be available to specific people, like a specific key that unlocks the lock. This is becoming increasingly common as the information coming through at this time and age is very advanced and a lot of the time only passed down to specific individuals of the lineage. This explains why you might be drawn to certain individuals and not others.

I'm Ready

I'm Ready ⋆

About Shōra

My name is Shōra. You might have previously known me as Jamie (my birth name), but Shōra is the sound frequency of my Higher Self. Shōra means a ray of light.

I’m a cosmic channel and a Hybrid Starseed. My mission is to activate and awaken the Divine Soul Templates of other fellow Hybrids/Advanced Starseeds, remember who they truly are, their Galactic Mission, and gifts that will assist in the collective ascension of humanity into the New World.

My work revolves around Light Language Technology and the Akashic Records. Through powerful visual, auditory, and sensory experiences, my transmissions activate your divine, original, and purest templates of being; adjusting, realigning, and recalibrating your light body.

I work closely with, but not limited to, the Pleiadian High Council. They guide me in clearing, activating light templates, and harmonising Galactic Codes with Ancient Codes of the land to bridge the new paradigm shift into the New Earth.


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